Invest in yourself as you are your biggest asset!
Doesn't this sentence seems like said by someone who is something like self-obsessed or selfish.
Of course, I said this line, think what you want to think about it.( Who cares?)
I do care!
Ok, let's consider what will happen if you invest in yourself!
Think about it—your skills, knowledge, and well-being are the foundations of your success.
By investing, I don't mean only financial investment, but also physical and mental investment .
What are the human needs in their life?
What are human core needs!
They are actually health, wealth and relationships.
Every single human being(whether it is you or me or a third person) have goals and desires centered around these three core needs.
Everyone wants to be wealthy, to be healthy and to have successful relationships.
So, anyone who wants to invest in himself or is investing, is investing to be good at these three things.
What if someone doesn't invest in themselves? They may appear not to care, resembling what people call a selfless person, a virtue of goodness.
This concept exists across various cultures and societies.
Selflessness is regarded as noble.
Those who are genuinely selfless, or merely pretend to be, symbolize goodness in the world.
I have encountered such individuals, and in comparison, I am often considered selfish, focused solely on myself..
I believe that the world would be a much better place if everyone invested in themselves.
Look, if you are broke or stuck in 9-to-5 job, you need to invest in yourself to escape from there. You need to learn new skills to set up a business of yours( you can also start with your previous skills, you are having a job because you are having some skills. But you are only selling them to a single person, you need to sell them to more people to earn more).
What if you don't?
Look, It's crystal clear: you'll spend your days doing the same monotonous tasks, commuting to the office, eating at the same cafe, and returning home at night, drained and feeling imprisoned. Each day becomes a cycle that feels inescapable, yet you can break free if you truly want to.
The consequence of this stagnation is a sense of helplessness, frustration, and deteriorating mental health, leading to a victim mindset.
You will be like!
Why all such things happen with me?
Why? Am I only one who is bound/destined to suffer?
And then you will live such a life, you will become short-tempered , you will easily become toxic as you will be exhausted and frustrated. This is how many employees are, they don't accept it, but this is a clear reason behind their behavior, like random teachers lashing out in the class( I have dealt with a lot of them and I am still dealing).
This way, can you even leave a good impact or even a positive vibe to those around you. You are clearly destroying things!
And of course most people live their whole lives like this.
And the word they use for it is compromise or bending down.
There is a famous proverb:
The wind doesn't break a tree that bends.
After all, it's all about mindset and how people take things.
For someone, this can mean adapting the new trends and situations in their business/life and for others , it can mean just adopting the mediocre/average life as if it is their destiny.
The same goes with relationships as they are related to mental health, there can be many toxic relations in your life and what you need to do is to simply cut them out, move on, leave them behind. You shouldn't compromise. You should put time and effort in your relations, but not let them consume the real you.
You and only You can protect the real you, your desires, your health and your goals.
Because everything if it is situations, or relations will become past one day, and at the end, you will be left only with yourself.
You will be left with self-doubts and regrets and you questioning your worth, that am I really worth it, do I deserve it?
So question your beliefs and go beyond the certainties, uncertainties, and boundaries and you will see that things will happen, they will work out.
And I want to tell you that you deserve every single happiness, goal, and thing you desire for!
You deserve to be loved, to be happy and to be wealthy!
“So chase your dreams, as hard as you can, as far as you can and as long as you can.”
And while chasing them, cherish every single moment along the way.
Live your life to the fullest.
Invest in yourself, in your knowledge, in your skills, in your health and in your relations.
Those who only talk about themselves, people call them selfish, and I think being selfish is the only way to selflessness.
You can give something good to others, only if you have something good.
You can help others financially only if you are financially stable.
You can help others mentally, only if your mental health is great.(Giving positive vibes to those around you).
You can help others with physical tasks, only if you have a healthy body.
I think will not the world become a better place ? if all the people around us start caring about themselves rather then gossiping or backbiting about others.
I wonder how will be the world if all the people in it were happy.
Do you want to participate in creating such a world, do you want to do good to others, help them out and smile at every single person walking or sitting near you.
If you want to , so just simply start investing in yourself!
As Warren Buffet said:
The Best Investment you can make is an investment in yourself, the more you learn, the more you will earn.
That's the only answer, that's the only way, things will be difficult, as you will be figuring out that what works for you and what don't, you will be a weirdo and cringe at start, but remember to keep moving forward, no matter what happens or how many times you fail or suck.
The only way to true happiness in your life is doing what you love to do, not what the world wants you to do!
So, Chase your dreams and cherish your life!
Sending all the good vibes from my corner of internet to yours!
Goodbye dreamers!
P.S: Send it to one person who needs it!
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So young and already writing. You have your life ahead of you. Live it to the fullest. Don't decide you won't do something because others think it's not approriate, or because you might fail. Go for it. Then when you're in the sunset of your life, there won't be any regrets.
How great that you're exploring ideas like this. I'd add shelter to your list of human needs and if you want to explore others who have considered this same issue, check out Abraham Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs Theory.